Kidney Stones
Our kidneys are the in-house blood filtration units of the body that remove wastes and transport them to the urinary bladder for removal. A lot of minerals and acids are part of the waste material released in the body. These wastes sometimes collect and stick together inside the kidney forming hard deposits which can cause discomfort. These hard deposits often grow big if neglected and take the form of kidney stones.
While smaller deposits can be easily passed through the urinary tract with slight discomfort or mild pain, in severe cases they may become sizeable and cause symptoms like pain in the abdominal region associated with nausea.
Other symptoms include:
Severe pain in the side and back of the abdomen just below the ribs.
Painful micturition with a burning sensation.
Pain that radiates from the abdomen to the groin
Cloudy or foul-smelling urine
Variation in urine colour
An abnormal change in urination frequency
Fever and chills in case of infection
One should be aware of their normal body function in order to notice such subtle variations in daily habits. When to seek medical advice is a bigger question, and signs to watch out for are:
Difficulty passing urine
Blood in urine
Extreme colouration, dark-coloured or foul-smelling urine
Debilitating pain makes normal functions such as sitting and walking difficult
Fever and chills accompanied by abdominal side pains
Kidney stones form when there is a higher concentration of crystal-forming units in the blood such as calcium, oxalate, uric acid, etc. Kidney stones may be caused by a host of conditions; dehydration, family history, obesity and poor hygiene are the topmost candidates. Other factors like stress and medical history or medication for surgery could also contribute to kidney stone formation in patients.
Depending upon the composition of the deposition the kidney stones may be broadly categorized into four subtypes:
Calcium stones - Most kidney stones are calcium stones, usually in the form of calcium oxalate. This is a substance found in many nuts and fruits and is usually found in the diet.
Struvite stones - The presence of a urinary tract infection is usually followed by struvite stones. These stones progress at a rapid speed, usually with little or no warning signs.
Uric acid stones - Uric acid stones usually form in people with low water intake, mal-absorption due to gastric issues or a high protein intake in the diet.
Cysteine stone - These stones are formed with a specific amino acid accumulation called cysteine. These stones are formed in hereditary patterns in patients and therefore patients with a family history of kidney stone formations must get regular check-ups even if their body is not showing noticeable symptoms.
A healthy diet and exercise are key to good health, but patients should undergo regular health check-ups and kidney function tests in order to be able to spot the warning signs before their health suffers any serious setbacks. With the fast-paced, sedentary lifestyle, healthcare suffers neglect and kidney health often goes overlooked, hence one should understand not to ignore the warning signs and consult expert opinion in case they encounter any of the symptoms.
If you are looking for kidney stone treatment in Patiala then visit Manipal Hospital, it is one of the best nephrology hospitals in Patiala equipped with world-class facilities and technologies and has top kidney specialists who are experienced in treating common to rare kidney disorders.
Consultant - Urology
Manipal Hospital - Patiala