Arthritis is a disabling condition in which the joint surfaces get inflamed, ultimately leading to degeneration and loss of cartilage space. There are various kinds of arthritis, most notably Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis are of great significance. Currently, there are over 180 million cases of arthritis in India and if this trend continues, India will be the global capital of arthritis by the year 2025.
Knee arthritis is expected to become the fourth most common cause of physical disability in India. Joint Replacement surgeries, in particular Knee and Hip Replacement, also have been on a rise keeping in pace with the prevalence of Arthritis and is expected to double in the coming decade.
Researchers and industry players are rigorously working towards efficient and effective treatment methods to treat arthritis and its related primary and revision joint replacement surgeries. With technology coming to the forefront, many technologically innovative treatments which are simpler, quicker, and efficient are being used to treat the patient. Consult with the best orthopedic doctor in Goa for the treatment procedures.
Fast-track program: In a Fast-track Program, the surgery is performed using a minimally invasive approach with minimal or no cutting of the muscles. The incision is very small (3/4 inches) and there are no stitches used. Both knees can be operated simultaneously and the operating time is kept to a bare minimum. There is very less blood loss after surgery and rarely a blood transfusion is required. The patient is made to stand and walk within 2/3 hours of completion of surgery and is pain-free during their hospital stay which is also shortened to 2 days effectively.
Thereafter, a home-based exercise program is initiated which results in the rapid recovery of the patient. The patient can expect to walk outdoors without support for 3-4 weeks, drive a car or a bike by 6 weeks and get back to work in no time. Since the latest implants available are of high flexion design, the knee can bend to 135/140 degrees. That means patients desirous of sitting cross-legged can do so without any difficulty.
Gold Knee Replacement: A traditional knee or hip implant is made of cobalt-chromium alloy which lasts for 15/20 years on an average. But, with the introduction of Opulent (Gold Knee Replacement) which can last for 25/30 years. This is a boon for younger patients with Knee Arthritis as revision surgeries can be averted to a great deal. Similarly, in a Total Hip Replacement, Ceramic Implants are offered to the younger patients which can last equally long as a Gold knee implant. Additionally, computer navigated surgeries increase the precision and aim for 100% accuracy in placing the knee implants. This further enhances the longevity of the implant.
Partial Knee Replacement: Partial Knee Replacement is essential for patients with single compartment arthritis. This being a very small surgery, recovery is very quick. Hospital stay is only for a day and by 3/4 weeks the patient is back to his normal self.
With increasing Joint Replacement surgeries over the last two decades, the need for Revision surgeries has also risen. With the latest addition of revision implants such as the Trabecular metal and cones, the success rate has improved tremendously and patients can expect to get back to their normal best very soon.
We have doctors around us who are skilled enough to successfully perform these advanced surgeries and I urge everyone not to ignore any kind of joint pains. Get checked for the pain as soon as possible as delaying it might lead to serious outcomes. Likewise, don’t forget to wear a mask, use sanitizer, and maintain social distancing.
At Manipal Hospital, the team of joint replacement surgeon in Goa is expert in using the latest techniques and technology to improve care for people with musculoskeletal problems.
Surgeons at Manipal Hospital, the best orthopedic hospital in Goa specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves, and arthritis treatment in Goa.
Consultant - Hip & Knee Replacement Surgeon, Orthopaedics