Joint replacement is a surgical process in which the parts of the damaged knee are removed and replaced with an artificial device. This is intended to restore a smooth movement to the person again. The most common among joint replacement surgeries are the hip and knee replacement surgeries. People who have loss of knee functioning or pain in their knee and when no other conservative therapy helps should go for a joint replacement surgery.
There are surely risks involved in all surgeries involving complicated process. In such a surgery the ends of the shin bone and the thigh bone is replaced with a disc. During a joint replacement surgery there are chances that there could be blood clots or infections. Weakness and stiffness at the replaced joints are another problem that people face after surgery. Adequate post care rehabilitation plays an important role in recuperative process. For ideal recovery the rehab schedule that includes food, exercise and medicines have to be followed. On very rare occasions the implant may dislocate or become lose. Further, any implant could wear out in about 20 years; this indicates that the time for another surgery has arrived.
There comes the importance of understanding your needs and keeping in touch with trustworthy doctors. However, it would indeed be wise to ensure that you do not follow empty promises where they promise you youthful vibrancy post surgery. The reality is that, post joint replacement surgery in Bangalore (that is if you are having a surgery in Bangalore) you would not be able to move as smoothly as in your youth. However, it would surely reduce the pain.
However, there are surely benefits for anyone who wishes to have a total knee replacement surgery. Severe pain which earlier limited your daily activities like walking, shopping, etc is avoided. The troublesome pain at night, due to stiffness in your knees, is gone. If you had bowleg or knock knees it would be rectified.
Some of the complications which are specific to the knee include allergic reactions to medication, blood loss (might require transfusion), and nerve blockage may at time result in heart attacks, kidney failures, strokes, pneumonia, etc because of infections. Ideally about 90 to 95% of the surgeries would last for about 15 years; however, this completely depends on the age and activity.