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Department of Bariatric Surgery | Weight loss surgery

The Most Common Sleep Thieves Sabotaging Your Night’s Sleep

Posted On: Dec 24, 2019
blogs read 2 Min Read

Life is getting too busy and full, and if you think the first thing you are sacrificing is your night’s sleep, then it’s time you analyze the cause behind your sleepless nights or insomnia. Although most of us are deprived of getting proper sleep, very few of us know that it is a serious medical concern. If you are not shutting your eyes adequately at night time, you are opening doors for medical conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and certain heart diseases.

There are nearly 80 different sleep disorders that rob your quality sleep, but the most common ones are discussed hereunder. It’s is a good idea to analyze your underlying sleep disorder while ruling out the other problems in improving your sleep.

Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome

If you are unable to stay awake until your desired bedtime, or if you cannot sleep until your normal wake-up time in the morning, then you have the advanced sleep phase syndrome.

Expose your retina to ambient light in the evening hours, engage in stimulating activities at bedtime to help you reset your internal clock. If you are still tossing and turning, it is advisable to seek a specialist’s advice.

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome 

This is a reverse case of advanced sleep phase syndrome. You cannot fall asleep till late midnights, which is followed by an extra sack time in the morning. This syndrome can worsen in people who have the habit of sleeping during weekends.

Exposure to brightness in the morning hours while avoiding it in the evening hours can be of much help to get back to your normal sleep patterns.

Depression or Anxiety

Most often insomnia is due to depression or anxiety. If you are depressed, you may awaken much before your usual time in the morning. Anxiety can make it difficult to fall asleep. You may need a psychologist’s intervention.

Breathing Disorders

Obstructive sleep apnea – If you experience a partial or complete obstruction in your upper airways while sleeping, you may either have shallow breathing or may completely stop breathing. This episodic disorder can disturb your sleep. It worsens with the consumption of alcohol or with sedatives when taken before bedtime.

This is a serious medical issue that needs a doctor’s intervention. Weight loss can be of some help in patients who are obese.

Central sleep apnea – This is another type of episodic breathing disorder that is less common but needs doctor’s intervention.

Tingling Restless Legs Syndrome!

If you feel a crawly-creepy and tingling sensation in your legs especially during the evening hours, then you probably have RLS, the Restless Legs Syndrome. This discomfort in your legs can make it really difficult for you to sleep. The symptoms are predominant at night times.

Massage your legs or move them around to get relief from the symptoms of RLS. You may try certain strategies such as taking hot water baths a couple of hours before you retire to bed and refraining yourself from caffeine and nicotine, to overcome the problem.

Painful Leg Cramps!

Leg cramps occur after you fall asleep and make it troublesome for you to stay asleep. A sudden muscle spasm in your legs causes severe pain which may last for a few seconds or even minutes. Usually, cramps occur in the calf muscles, thighs, or feet.

Adequate hydration, stretching legs before going to bed can help you to prevent cramps. Few people can also get benefited from the addition of potassium, magnesium, and calcium to the diet.

It’s not enough if you just pay attention to have a nutritious diet, but equally important is to notice your sleep patterns. Try to figure out the sleep disorder you have, or consult a physician for help. Bar the sleep disorders from your bedroom immediately and snooze well! Not only can you maintain good health by sleeping adequately but can also improve your day’s performance.

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