What is ACDF Surgery?
ACDF, or Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion, is a surgical procedure performed on the neck to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots caused by a damaged disc. It's often used to treat:
Cervical Disc Herniation
This occurs when the inner gel-like material of a disc bulges out and puts pressure on the nerve.
Cervical Stenosis
This is a narrowing of the spinal canal that compresses the spinal cord or nerve roots.
This is damage to the spinal cord caused by compression.
This is pain, weakness, or numbness caused by compression of a nerve root.
Who needs an ACDF?
ACDF surgery is only needed in specific situations where other less invasive treatments haven't provided sufficient relief or where the damage to the discs and nerves is severe enough to warrant surgery. Here are some key reasons why an
ACDF might be considered:
Persistent and Debilitating Pain
If you're experiencing severe neck pain that radiates down to your arm or hand, and hasn't been effectively managed with conservative measures like physical therapy, medication, or injections, ACDF can offer significant pain relief by decompressing the affected nerve.
Neurological Symptoms
When cervical disc herniation or stenosis compresses the nerve roots or spinal cord, it can lead to neurological symptoms like numbness, weakness, tingling, or difficulty controlling bowel or bladder function. If these symptoms are severe and impacting your daily life, ACDF can offer a solution by relieving the pressure and potentially reversing the nerve damage.
Myelopathy, which is damage to the spinal cord itself, is a serious condition that can worsen without intervention. ACDF can decompress the spinal cord and prevent further damage if other treatments haven't been successful.
Instability of the Cervical Spine
In some cases, severe disc damage or trauma can lead to instability of the vertebrae in the neck. ACDF can provide stabilization by fusing the affected vertebrae, reducing pain and preventing further deterioration.
Failure of other Treatments
If conservative treatments like physical therapy and medication haven't provided adequate relief after a reasonable period, and the symptoms are significantly impacting your quality of life, ACDF might be considered as a next step.
It's important to note that ACDF is a major surgery with potential risks and complications, so it's always recommended to discuss all options and risks thoroughly with a certified neurosurgeon before making any major decisions. Manipal Hospitals Delhi has the best neurosurgeon and neurologist to help you find the correct diagnosis for your neurological symptoms, and find the apt treatment plans for the same as well.
What all happens in ACDF?
The surgeon makes an incision in front of the neck to access the affected disc.
Removing the damaged disc (discectomy) under a microscope
Inserting a graft into the empty disc space to promote bone growth and fusion of the two adjacent vertebrae.
Placing a metal plate and screws (if needed) to stabilise the fusion while it heals.
Benefits of ACDF
Effective in relieving pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling in the arm or hand.
Long-term pain relief for most patients.
Restores the normal anatomical height and curvature of cervical spine.
Minimally invasive with a shorter recovery time than some other spine surgeries.
Patients are typically discharged after 2 days of surgery in most cases.
Early discharge and quick recovery leading to early start of normal lifestyle routine and work.
Book an appointment now at the best neursurgery hospital in Delhi to get the finest treatment.
Risks Of ACDF
In safe hands and with the latest technological advances the risks involved are very minimal, however, one should be aware of them before planning surgery. Some of them are:
Difficulty swallowing due to temporary irritation of nerves- resolves within a day or two.
Injury to blood vessels or nerves.
Recurrence of symptoms.
Before considering ACDF surgery, it's important to discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor and explore other treatment options, such as physical therapy, medication, or injections. Manipal Hospitals Delhi believes in holistic healing and encourages patients to consult with their doctors and go for regular health check ups to help diagnose conditions in the early phase and find correct treatment in a timely manner.