Paediatric Neurology Hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore
Paediatric Neurologist Hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore

Paediatric Neurology

Paediatric Neurology Hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore

Paediatric neurology is a medical speciality that deals with conditions affecting the brain, spine, and nerves. Paediatric neurologists treat neurological issues such as headaches, seizures, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, muscular disorders, and development issues in children. Manipal Hospital Whitefield has a team of skilled paediatric neurologists responsible for diagnosing, treating, and managing a spectrum of neurological disorders in kids, concentrating on resolving health issues and quality of life. Parents and families participate as key care unit members, ensuring open dialogue and engagement in choices.

Paediatric Neurology Hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

Equipped with expert Paediatric Neurologists and supportive staff, Manipal Hospital Whitefield, Bangalore fosters top-tier medical care coupled with the latest equipment and technology to care for children with neurological issues. 

Various conditions treated by our paediatric neurologists are Seizures, Muscle disorders like muscular dystrophy or neuropathy, Migraines, ADHD, tics and Tourette Syndrome, Autism, Delay in speech and motor coordination, Intellectual disability, Congenital malformations, Traumatic brain injury, Meningitis, Encephalitis, and Brain tumours.

  • Expert Medical Team: Renowned paediatric neurologists are here for your treatment at Manipal Hospital, Whitefield, Bangalore.

  • Multidisciplinary Approach: Our doctors follow a multidisciplinary approach in the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. 

  • Child-friendly Environment: Adequate arrangements are in place to make children feel safe in our facilities. We ensure that you and your child receive the utmost comfort when undergoing treatment.   

Paediatric Neurology Hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore

When to Visit a Paediatric Neurologist?

The Best pediatric neurologist in Bangalore diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions. Manipal Hospital Whitefield is known for its accurate diagnosis and the most conservative treatment for many neurological issues. 
If your child exhibits any of the below symptoms, seeking their expertise may prove beneficial:

  • Persistent or severe headaches

  • Unexplained loss of consciousness or mood changes

  • Memory loss

  • Muscle rigidity, tremors, or seizures

  • Delays in physical or mental developmental milestones

  • Increase or lack of growth in head size

  • Changes in activity, reflexes, or movements

  • Lack of coordination

  • Muscle wasting and slurred speech

  • Loss of feeling, tingling, or visual changes in older children

Treatment & Procedures 

Paediatric Epilepsy

Paediatric epilepsy is a chronic neurological noncommunicable condition that causes a child to have seizures. Abnormal electrical signals in one or more parts of the brain interrupt normal brain activity and cause a seizure. 

As one of the most common disorders of the nervous system, epilepsy affects 0.4% to 0.8% of the pediatric population in India. It is known that children living with epilepsy are at an increased risk of developing mood disorders or attention issues. 

Symptoms of Epilepsy

  • Seizures are the main symptom, different from child to child

  • Loss of consciousness or passing out

  • Uncontrolled muscle movements, jerking or twitching

  • Staring off into space and experiencing confusion until the seizure is over

  • Short attention blackouts, dazed behaviour, memory gaps, mumbling or no response

  • Sudden falls, frequent stumbling, or unusual clumsiness

  • Repeated, unusual movements such as head nodding or rapid blinking

  • Sudden stomach pain followed by confusion and sleepiness

  • Unusual sleepiness and irritability when woken up

  • Frequent complaints that things look, sound, taste, smell, or feel "funny"

  • Sudden, repeated fear or anger

  • Clusters of (repeated) "jackknife" movements by babies who are sitting down

  • Clusters of grabbing movements with both arms in babies lying on their backs

Our Paediatric Neurologists at Manipal Hospital Whitefield carefully formulate a treatment plan to manage Epilepsy in Children following a thorough diagnosis.


Anti-seizure medications are commonly prescribed to manage mild epilepsy and seizures. 

Special dietary therapy

  • Along with medicines, dietary adjustments that may include a Ketogenic diet modified Atkins Diet, or low glycemic index treatment are also offered.

  • Surgical implantation of medical devices also helps stimulate the nervous system and reduces seizure frequency. Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is one such device that can be used to manage epilepsy seizures for children aged 12 or older.

Epilepsy surgery

When conservative treatment methods prove ineffective, the doctors may recommend epilepsy surgery. Although very complex, epilepsy surgery can help remove the part where the seizures are occurring. Please remember that surgery is not the first option when it comes to treating seizures.

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Neuro-developmental disorders onset is in childhood. They tend to persist, not remitting or relapsing. Types of neurodevelopmental disorders in children treated by our paediatric neurologists in Whitefield include autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cerebral palsy, intellectual disability or mental retardation, learning disabilities, and vision and hearing impairments. 

Symptoms of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Problems arise in: 

  • Social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviours for Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Intellectual functioning like problem-solving for Intellectual Developmental Disorder

Treatment strategies

Early intervention supports development. At our hospital, a collaborative approach among paediatric neurologists, psychologists, educators, and therapists is followed backed by effective medical and therapeutic interventions, such as:

  • Speech therapy for communication improvement. 

  • Occupational therapy to help in developing daily life skills

  • Physical therapy to help in movement.

  • Medications such as stimulants, antidepressants, and antipsychotics

  • Behavioural Therapy, such as cognitive-behavioural treatments

As children grow, their needs change. It is important to keep evaluating their treatment plan and make changes when necessary. This ensures the plan meets their needs as they develop. We also guide parents and families to support their loved ones with neurodevelopmental disorders and care for them.

Neonatal Neurology

Neonatal neurology focuses on diagnosing and treating neurological conditions affecting newborns. Some common issues are birth asphyxia, intracranial haemorrhages, and neonatal seizures. Our expert neonatal neurology experts at Manipal Hospital Whitefield are dedicated to the treatment of various neurological issues that can occur in newborns. From neonatal seizures and acquired brain injury to prenatally diagnosed brain malformations, our team is equipped to manage these children with a collaborative approach.

Birth Asphyxia Symptoms

  • Low APGAR scores

  • Respiratory distress

  • Acidosis

  • Lethargy

  • Poor feeding

  • Hypotonia

Intracranial Hemorrhages Symptoms:

  • Increased head circumference

  • Bulging fontanelle

  • Seizures

  • Vomiting

  • Irregular breathing patterns

Neonatal Seizures Symptoms

  • Clonic jerks

  • Myoclonic twitching

  • Staring episodes

  • Periods of unresponsiveness

  • Apnea

Other Common Symptoms

  • Abnormal heart rate or breathing

  • Decreased alertness or consciousness

  • Difficulty sucking and feeding

  • Fussiness or excessive sleepiness

  • Problems with muscle tone, such as weakness, floppiness, stiffness, or spasticity (uncontrollable muscle contractions)

Managing Neonatal Neurological Disorders

Management of neonatal neurological disorders aims to stabilize the infant's condition, prevent further harm, and promote optimal neurological recovery. 

Birth Asphyxia is managed by ensuring newborns maintain adequate blood flow, oxygenation, and temperature regulation. Neonatal neurologists also help cool down the infant's core body temperature to decrease inflammation and cell death.

Intracranial Hemorrhages are monitored initially where managing blood pressure remains important. For newborns who require treatment to help prevent seizures, anticonvulsant medications can be administered. But, if medications don’t work, then surgery for drainage of blood accumulation or repair of damaged blood vessels remains the only treatment for these newborns. 

To treat Neonatal Seizures, antiepileptic medications like phenobarbital, lamotrigine, valproic acid, etc., are the first line of treatment. Our neurologists at Manipal Hospital Whitefield may also assess seizure frequency and duration by performing continuous Electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring.


In paediatric infections involving the nervous system, the developing brain tissues in children are compromised by viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites. Meningitis or Encephalitis are common neurological infections that require immediate treatment to save lives. These infections can affect the brain, the spinal cord, and surrounding membranes. Diagnosing and treating as soon as possible is vital to ensure the likelihood of minimal complications and maximal recovery. Our paediatric neurologists in Whitefield ensure that children with neuroinfections recover swiftly and get the best care in a compassionate setting.


  • Fever

  • Headache

  • Stiff neck

  • Altered mental status

  • Confusion

  • Seizures

  • Photophobia (light sensitivity)

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Cranial nerve palsies (depending on the cause)

Treatment for Neuroinfections

Utilising the latest imaging technology and advanced laboratory testing, we can determine exactly what caused the infection within a short time and share an accurate diagnostic report. Our treatment approach incorporates targeted drugs with physical and occupational remedies that focus on faster recovery and better neuropsychological health. 

The course of treatment for neuro infections includes:

  • Antibiotics, antiviral drugs, or Antifungals

  • Hydration 

  • Pain relief

  • Monitoring vital signs

  • Vaccinations against major bacterial causes, such as Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib), Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Neisseria meningitidis.

Neurogenetic Disorders

Neurogenetic disorders are caused by changes in genes and chromosomes that affect the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles. Innovative treatments at Manipal Hospital Whitfield offer hope for more effective outcomes for the paediatric population dealing with neurogenetic disorders. Some of the common neurogenetic disorders managed by our expert paediatric neurologists are Epilepsy, Down syndrome, Brain malformations, Muscular dystrophy, Mitochondrial disease, etc.

Symptoms of neurogenetic disorders:

  • Developmental delay

  • Intellectual disability

  • Cognitive disability

  • Epilepsy 

  • Seizures (genetic forms)

  • Metabolic disorders

  • Neurocutaneous disorders (for example, neurofibromatosis)

  • Paediatric stroke

  • Neurodegenerative disorders

At Manipal Hospital Whitefield, the management of neurogenetic disorders largely depends on paediatric genetic counselling followed by medicines to treat symptoms such as seizures, and muscle weakness. Physical and occupational therapy, along with speech therapy and learning aid also are recommended to help kids thrive in life.

Demyelinating/Immune-mediated Disorders

Demyelinating/Immune-mediated disorders are a group of neurological conditions where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the myelin sheath, the fatty substance that insulates nerve fibres. This damage disrupts the transmission of nerve signals, leading to a variety of symptoms depending on the affected nerves. Immune-mediated disorders are less common in children than in adults.


Symptoms vary widely and may affect one part or multiple at once. They fluctuate in intensity over time.

  • Vision disturbances (optic neuritis)

  • Muscle weakness

  • Coordination issues

  • Balance difficulties

  • Pain

  • Fatigue

  • Memory problems

  • Depression


Continuous monitoring may progress these disorders, thus calling for prompt and effective treatment. The main focus when managing immune-mediated disorders is to minimise the effects of attacks, modify the course of the disease, and manage symptoms. Early intervention is crucial. 

  • Medications can relieve pain and fatigue.

  • Corticosteroids can help decrease inflammation.

  • Immunotherapies (like interferon beta or glatiramer acetate) modify the immune response.

  • Plasma exchange or intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) removes damaging antibodies from circulation.

  • Physical therapy can further assist in maintaining mobility and function.

Neurometabolic Disorders

Neurometabolic Disorders are a group of genetic disorders that disrupt how the body uses or produces energy from food. These conditions lead to problems with metabolism and also with brain function in kids.

  • Symptoms

  • Lethargy

  • Poor appetite

  • Abdominal pain

  • Vomiting

  • Weight loss

  • Jaundice

  • Failure to gain weight or grow

  • Developmental delay

  • Seizures

  • Coma

  • Abnormal odour of urine, breath, sweat, or saliva

Treatment Options

Neurometabolic disorders are complex conditions that require a multidisciplinary approach for diagnosis and management. Paediatric neurologists at Manipal Hospital Whitefield opt for a multidisciplinary treatment approach that includes:

  • Gene Therapy

  • Enzyme replacement in cases of Phenylketonuria (PKU)

  • Supplements and Vitamins to correct nutritional deficiencies and support metabolism

  • Physical Therapy to support motor skills

  • Occupational therapy is for daily living activities, and speech therapy is for communication

  • Special diets eliminating certain nutrients may be necessary

  • Metabolic screening can aid in diagnosis and treatment planning

Headache Evaluation

Evaluation of headaches in children involves a thorough assessment to determine the underlying cause of headaches based on which an appropriate treatment plan can be developed. Types of primary headache disorders include Migraines, Tension-type headaches, Cluster headaches, and Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias.

Evaluating headaches requires a detailed account of headache characteristics (frequency, duration, location, intensity), identifying potential triggers and associated symptoms, and assessing family history of headaches and other relevant medical conditions. General assessment and focused neurological examination and evaluation for signs indicating secondary causes are also carried out in the evaluation process. Neuroimaging is indicated when there are concerns about secondary causes based on history and examination findings.

Red Flags

  • Headache onset after age 5 years old

  • Sudden change in pattern or severity of headaches

  • Severe or worsening morning headache

  • Fever, vomiting, or altered mental status

  • History of trauma or recent illness

  • New-onset seizures

  • Vision changes

  • Persistent neck pain

Secondary Causes

  •  Infections 

  • Tumors

  •  Vascular abnormalities 

  •  Metabolic disorders like hypoglycemia, hyponatremia

  •  Substance abuse 

Treatment Options include over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen. For chronic or recurrent headaches, medications such as beta-blockers, anticonvulsants, or antidepressants may be prescribed to reduce frequency and severity.

Non-pharmacological Strategies

  • Dietary Supplements such as magnesium, riboflavin, and coenzyme Q10

  • Relaxation techniques

  • Visualisation exercises

  • Stress management strategies

  • Regular sleep patterns

  • Hydration

  • Physical Therapy

  • CBT for stress, anxiety, or depression

  • Acupuncture

Parent's Role in Managing Neurological Conditions in Their Children

Parents can help children by following the doctor's instructions. They can work with the doctor to make a plan for seizure emergencies. They can write down how often seizures happen.

  • Parents should give children medicine on time. They should bring children to appointments. Children should take medicine every day. 

  • Families can learn about epilepsy together. Making a plan helps everyone stay calm if there is a seizure.

  • Offer compassion, comprehension, and upbeat reinforcement to lift the child's confidence and grit.

  • Keep a regular routine and adjust activities to fit the child's needs, making sure they feel welcomed and safe.

  • Overseeing medication schedules, monitoring side effects, and ensuring the child goes to needed therapy and rehab appointments are parts of medical management.

  • Living healthy can help manage symptoms and prevent issues. 

  • Sometimes, caregiving can be difficult. Asking others for help when you need it allows everyone to work together. Involving the whole family creates a caring team. This support helps make caregiving easier.

Consult our Paediatric Neurology Hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore if your child needs treatment for neurological disorders. 

Paediatric Neurology Hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore

Facilities & Services

Manipal Hospital provides extensive facilities and services within its paediatric neurology department, which focuses on diagnosing, treating, and managing various neurological disorders affecting children. Some facilities and services they provide include:

  • Highly trained neurologists utilizing cutting-edge medical procedures

  • Comprehensive diagnostic and management services

  • Patient and family-centered care

  • Educational assistance and psychiatric counselling

  • Interdisciplinary approach in collaboration with neurosurgery, neuroradiology, and rehabilitation specialists

  • Diagnostic laboratories with CT scans, MRIs, EEGs, PET scans, and other advanced imaging techniques

  • Support services like educational assistance, psychiatric counselling, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and early childhood special education


At Manipal Hospital Whitefield, our pediatric neurologists follow a multifaceted approach that can help diagnose neuro-genetic disorders in children. These include:

  • Detailed family and medical history

  • Genetic testing and counselling

  • Metabolic testing

  • Neuroimaging studies

The following interventions can prove helpful in cerebral palsy:

  • Physical and occupational therapy

  • Speech and language therapy

  • Orthotic devices

  • Medications for muscle stiffness 

  • Surgery

There is no cure for autism, but interventions can improve symptoms:

  • Behavioural therapies

  • Speech and occupational therapy

  • Social skills training

  • Medications for associated symptoms

Some conditions can be effectively managed or treated. Others require ongoing management to improve one's quality of life.

Neurologists diagnose issues through thorough history taking and performing tests. 

  • Strength and reflexes are examined. 

  • Blood tests for infections 

  • Electrodiagnostic tests like EEG and MRI can be performed to check the health of muscles. 

  • A lumbar puncture also called a spinal tap, can be done to gain Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which is then tested for infections, bleeding in the brain, and multiple sclerosis. 

  • For conditions affecting memory, thinking, or behaviour, neuropsychologists may conduct evaluations. These assessments can be part of the diagnosis process.

Visit Manipal Hospital Whitefield for expert paediatric neurology care. We specialize in treating children's neurological disorders including Neuroinfections and epilepsy. Book an appointment now.