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The Heart, a fist-sized muscular organ, pumps blood throughout the body. Blood vessels transfer blood from the heart to other body parts and back to the Heart. Blood vessels are like pipes for transporting blood. Blood vessels carry Oxygenated (oxygen-rich) blood from the Heart to all body parts and return deoxygenated (low in oxygen) blood to the lungs, where it gets oxygen again before going through another set of blood vessels called capillaries. Blockages in blood vessels may result from fat deposits, cholesterol, plaque buildup, or clots. These blockages, when not treated timely, may lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes and even death.
Angiography is a non-invasive medical procedure that employs X-ray imaging to examine blood vessels. It plays a crucial role in diagnosing various vascular conditions. The process involves introducing a small tube into an arm or leg artery and injecting a contrast dye, allowing physicians to visualise blood vessels on an X-ray monitor.
Angiography is employed for diagnosing and evaluating conditions affecting blood vessels. It helps pinpoint the source of a problem, assess the extent of vessel damage, and monitor the effectiveness of treatment for various vascular conditions. Manipal Hospitals Patiala uses angiography to diagnose and treat:
Manipal Hospital Patiala is a leading facility providing comprehensive treatment for heart diseases. Our state-of-the-art services encompass Non-Invasive Cardiology, Invasive Cardiology, Angiography, Angioplasty, Stenting, Rotablation, Fractional Flow Reserve Procedure, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement, Electrophysiology, Pacing, and Pediatric Cardiology. We boast experienced cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons renowned for their precise diagnosis and treatment.
Angiography is generally safe, with rare risks such as:
Before undergoing angiography, patients should inform the doctor about their medications and allergies. In some cases, a medication-free period may be necessary to prevent allergic reactions and other complications. A physical examination will be conducted.
On the day of the procedure, the patient will change into a hospital gown and lie down on the X-ray table. During the procedure, a numbing agent is applied to the insertion site, and a catheter is introduced into a large artery, often in the groin area. The surgeon then advances the catheter to the target artery, injects the contrast material, and performs X-rays to observe blood flow. In case of blockages, angioplasty may be used to open them. Post-procedure, the catheter is removed, and the incision is dressed to prevent bleeding.
Results and Follow-Up
The surgeon discusses the angiography results with the patient, highlighting any blockages. Treatment options, which may include medication or procedures like angioplasty or stent placement, will be recommended. The patient's condition is evaluated, and instructions for at-home care are provided. The length of hospital stay varies based on the patient's condition, with some being discharged the same day while others require observation.
Frequently Asked Questions on Angiography
An aneurysm is a bulge in an artery's wall, often caused by factors like high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, or head or neck trauma.
Stenting is performed to open clogged arteries. Stents, made of various materials, are inserted when angioplasty alone isn't sufficient. Stents treat conditions such as coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, carotid artery disease, and aneurysms.
A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart muscle is blocked, leading to tissue damage. This blockage is usually caused by atherosclerotic plaque buildup, and it impedes the delivery of oxygen and the removal of waste products from the heart muscle.
Clogged arteries are typically the result of atherosclerosis, where plaque (composed of fat, cholesterol, and other substances) accumulates within the arteries. Leading risk factors include high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, and age.
In summary, Angiography is a vital diagnostic procedure that helps identify artery blockages, aiding in the assessment and treatment of various vascular conditions. Manipal Hospitals Patiala offers comprehensive cardiovascular care with a range of advanced services and expert physicians to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients.
Home Patiala Specialities Cardiology Angiography