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Department of Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery

Heart Disease In Children: Causes, Diagnosis, And Treatment Options

Posted On: Apr 05, 2024

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Heart Disease in Children

The human heart is roughly the size of a fist and made up of four chambers that move in a rhythmic synchronization to cause the heart beat and pump blood throughout the body. 

Heart disease is a general term for conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels around it. In children, heart disease is most commonly caused by congenital heart defects, which are problems with the structure of the heart that are present at the time of birth. These may be inherited, or caused by certain developmental disorders. Manipal Hospitals Patiala has some of the best services for diagnosis and treatment of heart disease in children and adults. 

Here's a breakdown of the causes, diagnosis, and treatment options for heart disease in children:


Causes for Heart Disease in Children

  • Congenital Heart Defects:  The most common cause of heart disease in children is birth defects. They occur when the heart or blood vessels do not develop normally before birth. There are many different types of congenital heart defects, ranging from mild to severe, some of these are listed below- 

    • Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD): A hole in the wall between the lower chambers of the heart (the ventricles).

    • Atrial Septal defect (ASD): A hole in the wall between the upper chambers of the heart (the atria).

    • Tetralogy of Fallot: A combination of four heart defects that occur together.

    • Pulmonary Atresia: A narrowing or blockage of the valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery.

    • Aortic Stenosis: A narrowing of the aortic valve.

Consult a cardiac surgeon in Patiala if your child is experiencing signs of congenital heart defect. 

  • Kawasaki Disease: Kawasaki heart problem is a rare condition that causes inflammation of the blood vessels throughout the body, including the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart. Kawasaki disease can lead to heart problems, such as coronary artery aneurysms (bulges in the walls of the arteries).
  • Rheumatic Heart Disease: This is a complication of strep throat that can damage the heart valves. Rheumatic heart disease is rare in developed countries, but it is still a common cause of heart disease in children in developing countries

  • Myocarditis: This is an inflammation of the heart muscle. Myocarditis can be caused by a virus, bacteria, or a reaction to a medication.

  • Cardiomyopathy: This is a disease of the heart muscle that makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood effectively. There are several different types of cardiomyopathy, some of which are genetic and some of which are caused by other conditions, such as myocarditis.

Diagnosis of Heart Disease in Children

If a doctor suspects that a child may have heart disease, they will order a set of specific diagnostic tests to confirm the same and rule out any possibility of confusion. These tests may include:

  • Echocardiogram: This is an ultrasound of the heart that can show the structure and function of the heart.

  • Chest X-ray: This can show the size and shape of the heart and lungs so the doctor to assess the patient's health properly.

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): This measures the electrical activity of the heart.

  • Cardiac catheterization: This is a procedure in which a thin tube is inserted into a blood vessel and threaded up to the heart. This allows the doctor to measure blood pressure and oxygen levels in different parts of the heart.

Treatment Options for Heart Disease in Children

The treatment for heart disease in children will depend on the specific type of heart disease and its severity. Some children with heart disease may not need any treatment at all, while others may need surgery or medication.

  • Medications: There are a number of medications that can be used to treat heart disease in children. These medications can help to control symptoms, such as shortness of breath and fatigue, and improve heart function.

  • Surgery: Heart surgery can be used to repair congenital heart defects or to replace damaged heart valves. In some cases, heart transplantation may be necessary.

  • Catheter procedures: In some cases, a doctor may be able to repair a heart defect using a catheter procedure. This is a minimally invasive procedure that is done through a thin tube inserted into a blood vessel.

Consult our heart hospital in Patiala if you need diagnosis and treatment for Heart Disease in Children.

Prevention of Heart Disease in Children

There is no way to completely prevent heart disease in children as congenital disorders can only be treated, but there are a number of things that parents can do to help reduce their child's risk of developing heart disease:

  • Maintain a healthy diet: A healthy diet that is low in fat, salt, and cholesterol can help reduce the risk of heart disease later in life.

  • Encourage regular exercise: Regular exercise can help to keep children healthy and reduce their risk of heart disease.

  • Maintain a healthy weight: Obesity is a risk factor for heart disease.

  • Avoid smoking: Smoking can damage the heart and blood vessels.

  • Get regular checkups: Regular checkups with a doctor can help to identify heart disease early on when it is most treatable.


Heart diseases if diagnosed in time and treated with precision can be managed effortlessly. Manipal Hospitals Patiala offers the best care for heart conditions in Patiala City and has some of the best heart doctors in Punjab.

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