An inflammation that you feel under your ear lobule could be more than just a simple nuisance. It might indicate the presence of a Parotid Tumour. This is a condition that affects the parotid gland. The parotid gland is one of the major salivary glands beneath your ear lobe and behind your jaw. As the facial nerve lies close to this gland, any disease affecting the parotid gland could also impact the facial nerve. This can even lead to paralysis or even numbness. It is crucial to diagnose and manage parotid tumours in the early stage. For that, it is imperative to comprehend the causes, signs, and treatments of parotid tumours.
What is a Parotid Tumour?
A parotid tumour is an abnormal growth within the parotid gland. Such tumours vary in nature and may be benign or malignant due to different reasons. The genetic predispositions that cause these parotid tumours are still unknown. However, some studies suggest that external causes, such as exposure to ultraviolet rays, asbestos dust, and high consumption of polyunsaturated fats, can contribute to this growth. Infections and duct stones may also be responsible for other benign formations in the parotid gland.
Symptoms of a Parotid Tumour
The most common symptom of a parotid tumour is a painless, long-standing swelling below the ear or behind the jaw. However, they are not the only ones. You may experience other signs, too. This is especially applicable in malignant cases. Let us see what these signs can be.
Painful swelling
Feeling numb on the affected side of the face
Weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles
Ulceration of the swelling
Difficulty opening the mouth
When the tumour is large or is growing rapidly, it may exert pressure on the facial nerve or possibly infiltrate it, leading to facial weakness. An abrupt increase in size, especially when the swelling is painful or ulcerated, implies a higher chance of malignancy.
Get in touch with a top ENT specialist in Bangalore if you are experiencing any such parotid gland cancer symptoms.
Diagnosing and Managing Parotid Tumours
Only accurate diagnosis can determine whether a parotid gland tumor is benign or malignant. Let us check out the most widely used methods for this.
Ultrasound (USG): This imaging test identifies the nature and location of the tumour. A USG will report if the growth affects the superficial or deep part of the gland.
Fine Needle Aspiration (FNAC): FNAC helps ascertain whether the tumour is cancerous and identifies its specific type.
MRI with Contrast: This imaging technique evaluates the tumour’s extent, lymph node involvement, and degree of facial nerve invasion.
Primarily, doctors will opt for surgeries as a treatment for parotid tumours. This procedure is called a parotidectomy. Whether to perform a superficial or total parotidectomy depends on the size and location of the tumour. In case the tumour is cancerous, you will require additional management. This involves radiotherapy or chemotherapy, followed by surgery.
Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques
Traditional parotidectomy can leave visible scars on the face or neck, which can negatively impact a person’s self-esteem and quality of life. Mini-incision Parotidectomy, devised and performed by Dr. Satish Nair, has revolutionized the procedure by minimizing scarring and improving cosmetic outcomes. It is performed through a small, 2.5-3 cm incision behind the ear lobe which leaves a hidden scar behind the ear. This approach not only preserves function but also leaves virtually no visible scar, making recovery more pleasant for the patient.
New Advances in Treatment
In recent years, there has been a shift toward more cosmetically mindful surgeries for parotid tumours, with a focus on reducing post-operative scars and maintaining functionality. Advances in imaging and minimally invasive techniques allow surgeons to achieve better results with less tissue damage. In some cases, robotic-assisted surgeries are also becoming an option, further enhancing precision and cosmetic results.
Early diagnosis and treatment are key to preventing complications, especially for malignant tumours. If you experience persistent swelling below the ear or any related symptoms, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider for proper evaluation.
If you suspect any issues with your parotid gland, seek immediate medical attention to get the right care at a top ENT hospital in Bangalore.
Yes, a parotid tumour can cause facial paralysis, especially if it is pressing on the facial nerve or if cancer has spread to the nerve. Facial weakness or numbness is a concerning symptom that should be evaluated promptly.
No, not all parotid tumours are cancerous. Many parotid tumours are benign, but some may become malignant. Accurate diagnosis through imaging and biopsy is essential to determine the nature of the tumor.
Recovery time varies depending on the extent of surgery, but most patients can resume normal activities within a few weeks. Minimally invasive techniques like mini-incision parotidectomy often result in faster recovery and fewer complications. However, for more complex cases involving cancer, recovery may take longer, especially if additional treatments like radiotherapy are required