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Department of Orthopaedics

Osteoporosis: Recognising Signs, Symptoms, And Prevention

Posted On: Nov 21, 2023

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Osteoporosis: Signs, Symptoms and Risk Factors

Good bone health is ideal for good body function. Healthy bones and strong muscles are health goals for many. Our bones are dynamic organs of the body which help provide support and structure to the entire body system. Our food and dietary habits along with our hormonal balance play a major role in bone health. Calcium is a mineral which is helpful in supporting bone health.
Weakening of the bones is loosely termed Osteoporosis. 

The condition is more common in the elderly population. Most people see a decline in calcium absorption with age. Often, advanced age leads to loss of calcium as well. In the rarest of rare cases, a child may be born with genetic conditions that cause Osteoporosis at a very young age. Get the finest osteoporosis treatment at Manipal Hospitals Baner. 

Signs and Symptoms

Osteoporosis is a condition which can be detected by an X-ray. The visible loss of bone density is a clear indicator of the condition. Some Osteoporosis symptoms and signs which can act as indicators for the condition are:

  • Chronic Back Pain

While back pain can be caused due to various issues including muscle stiffness, chronic back pain is a major sign of bone weakness. The weakening of bones in the Vertebral column or backbone can lead to the building up of pressure and thus lead to severe back pain.

  • Easy Fractures

Trauma or major injury to the bones can lead to breakage. If a person suffers fractures with minor slips and falls or unjustifiable force trauma, this could be a sign of weak bones and osteoporosis. 

  • Stooped Posture

Weak bones imply difficulty in maintaining body structure and posture. With weak bones and associated pain, a stooped posture becomes common.

  • Loss of Height 

With advanced age and loss of minerals from the bones, a person may suffer the loss of height as well. This symptom is usually seen in people above 50 years of age.  

If you are noticing any of the baove symptoms, please feel free to contact the team of experts at the best orthopaedic hospital in Baner

Risk Factors

Some risk factors for Osteoporosis are beyond the control of a person as there is not much to be done. Some of these are:

  • Gender

Women have a higher tendency to develop Osteoporosis as compared to men of the same age. This may partially be attributed to their hormonal cycles. 

  • Age

The body loses old cells every day and makes new ones to replace those. The equilibrium of this process favors cell generation during the early growth years, with advanced age the balance is tipped towards cell loss. 

  • Race

As per medical observations, Asians have a higher susceptibility towards Osteoporosis. 

  • Genetic Inheritance or Family History

Having a parent or sibling with Osteoporosis puts you at a higher risk.

  • Body Size

A smaller frame would lead to faster weakening and mineral loss. Therefore, people with a smaller-than-average body frame are at higher risk.

  • Hormonal Balance

Women who have entered menopause at a young age and people who have been on corticosteroid therapy due to other medical conditions are at higher risk of Osteoporosis. 

Prevention and Care

Risk factors of the above nature are unavoidable. One can still take precautions to maintain bone health and stay fit. Some of the recommended osteoporosis preventions:

  • Eat Healthy

Eating natural foods rich in Calcium and Phosphorus can help maintain bone health. 

  • Soak in the Sun

Vitamin D is vital for Calcium absorption in the human body, stepping out in the sun can help.

  • Drink Responsibly

Carbonated drinks and sugary drinks lead to higher acid levels in the body, which leads to the leaching of Calcium out of the bones. Hence, maintaining a healthy fluid intake of beneficial fluids is important. 

  • Flex it right

Light exercise and stretching can help maintain bone health and body agility. Maintaining a good posture will help destress the backbone as well.

Health is wealth and at Manipal Hospitals, Baner, we have some of the best Osteologists and Orthopaedicians who understand bone health like no other. Our orthopedic doctor in Pune is the best bone doctor in Pune. If you or your loved ones have experienced any major fractures after minor falls or have any of the risk factors discussed in this article, you can connect to our doctors for all your queries or book an appointment at your nearest unit of Manipal Hospitals. 

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