Best Hematologist in Varthur Road
Hematology Hospital in Bangalore


Hematology Hospital in Bangalore

Haematology is a medicine branch that studies blood, blood-forming organs, and blood diseases. It involves diagnosing, treating, and preventing various diseases and disorders related to the bloodstream, including anaemia, leukaemia, and lymphoma. Haematologists often work closely with oncologists to diagnose, treat, and manage cancer. Haematologists may perform various tests on the blood, such as complete blood counts, blood smears, bone marrow biopsies, and clotting tests. They may also perform bone marrow transplantation, which involves replacing diseased or damaged bone marrow with healthy bone marrow from a donor. In addition to diagnosis and treatment, haematologists may also provide counselling and support to patients and their families. They may also educate medical professionals and the public about blood diseases and treatments. Haematology is an essential field of medicine, as it helps diagnose and treat various conditions related to the blood. Medical professionals must be knowledgeable about haematological disorders to provide the best possible care for their patients.

Best Hematology Hospital in Varthur Bangalore


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

Our hospital is the best choice for haematology because we provide a comprehensive range of services to meet the needs of all patients. Our haematology unit, which includes board-certified haematologists, is highly trained and experienced in diagnosing, treating, and managing various haematological conditions. The focus of our specialists is to provide the highest quality of care, including comprehensive and timely diagnosis and personalised treatment plans tailored to each patient's needs and preferences.

We understand the importance of a comprehensive approach to haematological care, including medical and psychosocial support for our patients. We strive to provide complete care in a timely and friendly atmosphere that respects each patient's unique needs and preferences. We are committed to staying at the forefront of haematology care and research. We constantly advance our knowledge and services by attending conferences and collaborating with medical experts. Our haematology specialists are deeply involved in clinical research, which enables us to provide our patients with the most up-to-date treatments and access to innovative therapies.

Treatment & Procedures

Ear Irrigation

Irrigation-Wax removal procedure for ear canal obstruction is performed by physicians and in some cases, suction or curettes are used for the procedure. This procedure is of grave importance to those susceptible to hearing loss. The removal of the blockage will return the patient’s hearing back to normal.

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Joint Injections

These injections treat musculoskeletal conditions that are painful in nature, for instance, arthritis. The injection delivers drugs directly to the affected area. We commonly treat patients for anti-inflammatory corticosteroids and osteoarthritis in the knee.

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We provide patients with nebulizers to deliver medicated air to the lungs for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, and other similar conditions.

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Pulse Oximetry

This is a noninvasive test done to measure the oxygen levels in the blood. A probe is clipped to the earlobe or finger and is connected to a monitoring device to keep track of pulse rate, heart rate, and blood flow, as well as oxygen saturation. It is used for breath assessment and for the monitoring of lung problems and blood vessel issues or any…

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Skin tag removal

Small benign skin growths in common sites such as the trunk, neck, body folds and armpits can be cosmetically unpleasing. The removal of such skin tags is done by cautery or cryotherapy.

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This lung function test will measure the exhalation of the lungs. It is used to diagnose obstructive lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma.

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Women Care

Our women's care program provides a yearly exam with a Pap test and screenings for breast disease, hormonal imbalances, and osteoporosis. This program benefits women especially during their reproductive years and after menopause.

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Hematology Hospital in Varthur Bangalore


Haematology is the medical branch that studies blood and blood-related diseases. It includes diagnosing and treating blood diseases like anaemias, leukaemias, lymphomas, and other blood disorders. The causes of haematological disorders can be divided into two main categories: acquired and inherited. 

  • Acquired causes of haematological disorders include environmental factors, such as exposure to toxins or radiation, medications, or infections. These can lead to diseases such as anaemia, leukaemia, and lymphoma.

  • Inherited causes of haematological disorders are genetic mutations passed down from parent to child. These mutations can lead to diseases such as thalassemia, sickle cell anaemia, and haemophilia.

  • Other factors that can lead to haematological disorders include vitamin deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and autoimmune diseases. It is important to note that haematological disorders can also be caused by both acquired and inherited factors. For example, some people may inherit a genetic mutation that predisposes them to certain blood diseases, but the condition may not manifest until they are exposed to an environmental factor.


The pre-procedure for haematology involves collecting and preparing a sample of the patient’s blood for testing. This includes the following steps:

  • Sample Collection

A blood sample is collected from the patient using sterile techniques, and the model may be collected from a vein or artery. A tourniquet is applied to the patient’s arm to increase blood flow and make it easier to draw blood. 

  • Sample Preparation

The sample is prepared for analysis. This includes mixing the sample with a special solution and centrifuging it to separate the blood cells from the plasma. 

  • Testing

The sample is analysed using tests such as complete blood count (CBC), differential white blood cell count, and reticulocyte count. 

  • Reporting

The results of the tests are reported to the physician, and the doctor may order additional tests if needed. Once the pre-procedure is completed, the patient may be asked to return for a follow-up visit to discuss the results of the tests.


Haematology is a medicine branch that studies blood and its disorders. Treatment for a haematological disease can vary depending on the specific condition and the patient's needs. Common treatments for haematological disorders include medications, blood transfusions, immunotherapy, stem cell transplantation, and surgery. The details of the procedures are as follows- 

  • Medications

Medications may control the body's production of red and white blood cells and platelets depending on the haematological disorder. These drugs, which may include antibiotics, antifungal agents, anticoagulants, and anti-inflammatory drugs, can be administered intravenously or orally.

  • Blood Transfusions

Sometimes, a patient may require a blood transfusion to replace lost or damaged blood cells. During a transfusion, a patient receives donated blood or blood components, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, or plasma.

  • Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is a treatment that uses the patient's immune system to target and attack cancer cells. This treatment may treat certain haematological disorders, such as lymphoma, leukaemia, and multiple myeloma.

  • Stem Cell Transplant

A stem cell transplant is a type of haematological treatment that involves replacing unhealthy blood cells with healthy ones. This procedure often treats blood cancers such as leukaemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. The stem cells can either come from a donor or the patient’s body. During the procedure, the patient is given high doses of chemotherapy or radiotherapy to destroy their unhealthy blood cells. Then, the stem cells are transplanted into the patient to replace them. 

  • Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses medications to destroy cancerous cells. It is commonly used to treat haematological diseases, such as leukaemia and lymphoma—the drugs used in chemotherapy work by targeting and killing rapidly dividing cells, which are often cancerous. The medications can be taken orally or injected into a vein. 

  • Targeted Therapy

Targeted therapy is a treatment that uses medications to target cancerous cells directly, and it is used to treat various forms of leukaemia and lymphoma. The medicines used are designed to bind to specific molecules on the surface of cancer cells, which stops them from growing and dividing.

Post-Procedural Care

Post-procedure care of haematology depends on the type of procedure but generally includes monitoring and managing any discomfort, avoiding strenuous activities, and following up with the best haematologist in varthur road, Bangalore. 

  • Immediately after the procedure, the patient should rest and take it easy. It is essential to be aware of any signs of infection or bleeding and to contact a physician if they occur. Depending on the type of procedure, the patient may need to take prescribed medications and/or supplements to prevent infection and facilitate healing.

  • The patient may also need to follow a diet that limits or avoids foods that can interfere with healing, such as those high in fat or sugar. The patient should avoid strenuous activities, such as lifting heavy objects, for at least a few days after the procedure.

  • The patient should also follow up with their physician to ensure that the procedure was successful and that no complications occurred. This may involve blood tests to check the patient’s haematological parameters.

  • Finally, patients should follow their physician’s instructions for follow-up care, such as taking prescribed medications or supplements, keeping scheduled appointments, and monitoring their symptoms.

Overall, post-procedure care for patients undergoing haematology procedures is similar to any other medical procedure. The patient should be monitored for any adverse effects and complications of the procedure. The patient should be advised to rest and take any prescribed medications as directed.


Best Hematology Treatment Hospital in Varthur Road

Facilities & Services

A successful treatment plan requires the development of accurate diagnosis. Our hematopathologists at Manipal Hospitals center for Hemato-oncology are renowned for their expertise in blood disease diagnosis. Even the most rare disorders have been dealt with by experts with utmost precision. All our treatment programs evaluate and manage each patient’s care through the direction of a single hematologist who is supported by a comprehensive team of physicians and nursing staff as well as a range of support services. This includes psychiatrists, social workers and nutritionists. The facilities and infrastructure at Manipal Hospitals are specially designed to care for immuno-compromised patients.

HEPA filtered rooms ensure a safe environment for all transplant patients. We ensure all floors have positive and negative pressure rooms. Our cutting edge lab facilities include molecular, genetic mutation analysis, flow cytometry and coagulation testing. Manipal Hospitals hosts one of the most trusted blood bank facilities in the country. We ensure that blood leukocyte is reduced at the collection source and that it undergoes nucleic acid test in order to decrease chances of infections caused by blood transfusions. A plasmapheresis unit is available for the treatment of hematological emergencies and the performance of peripheral blood stem cell collection.

A daycare facility with well-trained hemato-oncology nurses who are well experienced with handling blood products and chemotherapy are always at hand. Our facilities include:

  • Bone marrow tests.

  • Cytochemistry.

  • Coagulation screening.

  • System analyser (detailed Haemogram with red and white blood cell platelet indices & ESR reticulocyte count, and so on).

  • Haemoglobinopathy screening.

  • Automated coagulation marking positive coagulation tests with stringent quality control.

  • 24 hours blood transfusion services.

  • Bone marrow transplant unit (HEPA filtered).

Hematology services at Manipal Hospital are available for inpatients as well as outpatients. All of our patients are treated with advanced management plans that follow up-to-date protocol, after thorough investigations. State-of-the-art laboratories enure extensive investigations for lymphoma, myeloma, leukemias, coagulation and bleeding disorders.The department’s four integrated divisions are as follows:

  • Diagnostic haematology.

  • Clinical hematology.

  • Clinical & Research programs.

  • Teaching & Education.


An assigned specialist gathers general information about the patient’s health, medical history, and various physical examinations are conducted. Based on the doctor’s findings, further diagnostic procedures or treatment will be recommended.

After diagnosis, protocols for management are set in place. A dedicated inpatient ward is assigned with state-of-the-art treatment facilities designed for patients with hematological problems or immunocompromised patients. Counseling services are provided to both patient and family. Visit the best hematology hospital in Varthur Road, Bangalore to know more.

The most common conditions of shortness of breath, fatigue, trouble with concentration due to lack of oxygenated blood within the brain, fast heartbeat or muscle weakness.

Not all blood diseases are malignant (cancerous) and they can be resolved completely. However, some benign blood disorders may occur as a result of cancer treatment. Consult with the experts at our hematology hospital in Varthur Road, Bangalore.

You should definitely visit a doctor at least once a year even if you think you are healthy. This will help you steer clear of certain risk factors and heightened complications in the future.

Haematology is the medical branch that studies blood, blood-forming organs, and blood diseases. It includes diagnosing and treating blood-related disorders such as anaemia, haemophilia, blood clots, and other conditions. Manipal Hospitals is considered as the best haematology hospital in Varthur Road, Bangalore for the care and treatment that it provides.

Standard tests used in haematology include complete blood counts, red blood cell indices, white blood cell counts, platelet counts, and blood clotting tests. More specialised tests may also be ordered by the best haematologist in varthur road to diagnose certain conditions.

Oncology is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and Haematology is the study of blood and blood-related disorders, including cancer. While both disciplines involve treatments for blood disorders, each focus is different, and Oncology focuses on treating cancer, while haematology focuses on diagnosing and treating other blood-related diseases.

 Haematology is the study of blood, its components, and the diseases related to them. Haematopathology focuses on the microscopic and molecular examination of blood cells and diagnosing conditions associated with them.

A haematologist is a physician who specialises in diagnosing and treating diseases related to blood and blood-forming organs. At the same time, a hematopathologist is a physician who specialises in diagnosing blood and bone marrow diseases.

Manipal Hospitals is dedicated to providing high-quality, personalised care and building long-term partnerships with its patients. Our Hemato department and its patients are a testament to this. Contact us to know more about hemato problems and book an appointment with one of our hematologists today