Acute management of stroke in Bangalore

Acute management of stroke

Neurology hospital in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore

The acute management of stroke is the initial treatment that is provided to a patient who has suffered a stroke. This treatment is aimed at stabilising the patient and preventing further damage to the brain. The acute management of stroke typically includes the administration of medications, the placement of the patient on a mechanical ventilation device, and the performance of neuroimaging studies. Visit our top neurology hospital in Bangalore for best treatment.

Why is the Procedure Performed?

Acute management of stroke is surgery that is performed to remove a blood clot from the brain or to repair a damaged blood vessel in the brain. This type of surgery is typically performed within the first few hours after a person has had a stroke.

Pre-procedure Preparations

There are a few things that need to be done before having acute management of stroke surgery. 

  • First, your blood pressure and heart rate will be checked. You will also have a physical exam and blood tests. 

  • Your doctor will need to know about your medical history and any medications you are taking. 

  • You will also need to stop taking any blood thinners or antiplatelet medications at least a week before surgery.


The best course of action will vary depending on the specific case. However, some possible options for the acute management of stroke surgery include: 

  • Administering thrombolytic therapy as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms. This treatment can help to dissolve the blood clot and improve blood flow to the affected area.

  • Performing a craniotomy to remove the blood clot and relieve pressure on the brain.

  • Inserting a shunt to drain excess fluid from the brain and relieve pressure.

  • Providing supportive care to the patient including measures to control blood pressure, manage symptoms, and prevent complications. Book an appointment to consult with the experts.

After Procedure

The aftercare and rehabilitation following a stroke will vary depending on the individual's specific needs and situation. However, some common elements of post-stroke care may include:

  • Physical therapy to help regain movement and strength 

  • Occupational therapy to help with daily activities

  • Speech therapy to help with communication

  • Psychological support to help cope with the emotional and psychological impact of the stroke.

Experience world-class healthcare at Manipal Hospitals. Our expert team of doctors and state-of-the-art facilities ensure personalized and advanced treatments. Take the first step towards wellness. Book an appointment today.