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The Epilepsy Clinic at Manipal Hospitals, Mukundapur, Kolkata, focuses on the comprehensive diagnosis, treatment, and management of epilepsy and related neurological disorders. Our team of skilled neurologists and epileptologists is committed to delivering personalised care and support to patients of all ages. Equipped with cutting-edge technology and modern facilities, we are always striving to improve the quality of life for those affected with epilepsy by providing the highest standards of care and compassionate support.
At Manipal Hospitals, Mukundapur, Kolkata, our Epilepsy Centre is renowned for providing comprehensive and specialised care for all types of epilepsy. Our team of experienced epilepsy specialists uses state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and innovative treatment approaches to ensure the best possible outcomes for each patient. We emphasise personalised, patient-centred care, creating treatment plans tailored to each patient's condition and needs. Apart from medical treatment, we also offer ongoing support through educational and counselling sessions for patients, their families, and caregivers. This helps ensure a holistic approach to epilepsy management. Trust Manipal Hospitals for advanced care and unwavering support in epilepsy treatment.
At Manipal Hospitals, Mukundapur, Kolkata, our state-of-the-art Epilepsy Clinic provides a comprehensive approach to diagnosing and treating epilepsy. We aim to control or significantly reduce the frequency of seizures and prescribe antiepileptic drugs with minimal side effects, catering to patients of all ages. As part of one of India’s top-ranked healthcare clinics, our centre consists of a multidisciplinary team and the latest diagnostic and treatment modalities. Our epilepsy specialists manage all aspects of epilepsy care, from medication management to surgical interventions, while providing lifestyle counselling and education sessions for families and caregivers. Our team at Manipal Hospitals, Mukundapur, Kolkata, stays at the forefront of medical advancements in the field of neurology, ensuring that each individual receives high-quality care for better patient outcomes.
Epilepsy is a medical condition where the patient tends to get epileptic “seizures” or “fits.” When a person has two or more unprovoked seizures or fits, they may be diagnosed with epilepsy. It is important to know that epilepsy is not a homogenous condition but can manifest in various forms, with different causes and levels of severity.
Epilepsy is often classified based on the type of seizures a person experiences. The most common types include tonic-clonic seizures (also known as grand mal seizures) and complex partial seizures, which usually originate in the temporal lobe. However, several other types of seizures can occur in individuals with epilepsy. Also, epilepsy can be classified by the underlying cause of the fits. It is important to understand that epilepsy is a symptom that can result from a variety of factors, and any disorder of the brain has the potential to trigger fits. Some types of epilepsy can run in families and are more likely to occur at certain ages.
In children, epilepsy can often be associated with factors such as cerebral palsy (commonly due to complications during childbirth), brain infections, metabolic disorders, certain systemic illnesses, structural issues within the brain, head injuries, and some inherited diseases. In adults, the causes more commonly include structural brain disorders, trauma, infections, and exposure to toxins. It is important to know that in approximately 50% of epilepsy cases, no specific cause can be identified even with advanced medical technology. These cases are believed to be "idiopathic," which are currently thought to have a genetic origin.
There are two types of seizures: generalised and partial (also known as focal). Generalised seizures affect both parts of the brain (cerebral hemispheres) from the start of the event. They can appear as tonic-clonic seizures (formerly known as grand mal), brief absences (petit mal), or rapid, short muscular jerks (myoclonic seizures).
Partial (focal) seizures, on the other hand, begin in just one part of the brain, and the electrical activity typically stays confined to that area. This is why they are termed "partial seizures," because only a portion of the brain is involved. In some cases, partial seizures may initially occur without loss of consciousness, but they can progress to affect both halves of the brain, leading to a generalised seizure with loss of consciousness and convulsions.
The characteristics of a partial seizure depend on the specific brain region involved, leading to a wide range of possible symptoms. Partial seizures are further divided into two categories:
Simple partial seizures: These do not involve a loss of consciousness. The person may experience jerking movements in a hand, foot, or face, or occasionally sensations such as tingling or numbness in the affected areas.
Complex partial seizures: These involve impaired or loss of consciousness and are often followed by complex, involuntary actions (automatisms). During this time, the person may stop what they are doing, appear blank or dazed, and engage in repetitive movements, such as chewing, swallowing, or fumbling with objects.
A partial seizure can evolve into a generalised seizure, where the features of initial partial seizures can be thought of as an "aura" or warning before the more severe tonic-clonic convulsions occur.
Epilepsy is mainly diagnosed through clinical evaluation. The most important aspect is obtaining a detailed description of the seizure event through an eyewitness. While tests like an electroencephalogram (EEG) can provide helpful information, the diagnosis is heavily based on the patient’s clinical history. Even with extensive experience, epilepsy can sometimes be misdiagnosed, and cases may be overlooked. Additional tests, such as CT or MRI scans, can help identify possible causes of epilepsy. In certain scenarios, other investigations like SPECT, long-term video EEG, and neuropsychological tests may be useful.
When treating epilepsy with medications, several key principles are followed:
In about 60–70% of individuals newly diagnosed with epilepsy, seizures can be completely controlled with appropriate treatment.
Most patients achieve good seizure control with just one or two anti-epileptic drugs.
The choice of the medication depends on the specific type of seizure and how the patient has responded to any previous treatments.
The drug dosage is carefully adjusted to ensure maximum seizure control while minimising the risk of side effects or toxicity.
Both the patient and their family must understand the importance of regular treatment. Success in managing epilepsy largely depends on the patient's cooperation and understanding of the treatment goals.
If there is a need to reduce the dosage or stop the anti-epileptic drug, this should always be done gradually and under the guidance of the doctor overseeing the treatment.
It usually depends on the individual circumstances. If the epilepsy is well-controlled, a check-up every 3-4 months is usually sufficient. However, those with poorly controlled seizures or who are on multiple medications may need to see their doctor more often. Additionally, more frequent visits may be necessary in specific situations, such as during pregnancy, in elderly patients with epilepsy, or cases of recurrent febrile seizures.
The length of treatment varies depending on several factors, such as the type of epilepsy, the patient's age, and how well the seizures are controlled. Usually, treatment is continued for about three years after achieving full seizure control. It is important to not stop the treatment abruptly, and any decision to discontinue the treatment should be made by the patient's doctor.
You can book an appointment with our specialised Epilepsy Clinic by calling us or visiting our website.
Phone: 03369070001
You can choose your preferred date, time, and doctor. Our team of expert epileptologists is dedicated to providing the highest quality care for epilepsy treatment.