Colonoscopy Treatment in Mysore


Colonoscopy Treatment in Mysore

A colonoscopy treatment in Mysore is a medical procedure to examine the inside of the large intestine (colon) and rectum. It is used to detect and diagnose changes in the colon, such as polyps, ulcers, tumors, and areas of inflammation or bleeding. The procedure is typically done with a small, flexible camera called a colonoscope, inserted into the rectum and advanced slowly through the entire colon length. The doctor can then view the inside of the colon on a monitor and identify any abnormalities. A biopsy may also be taken during the procedure for further analysis. The procedure is usually done under sedation and takes about 30 minutes to an hour.

Pre Procedure

The pre-procedure for a colonoscopy typically involves the following: 

  • Preparing the Bowel

The patient is typically given a laxative the night before the procedure to help clean the bowel. The patient may also need to follow a clear liquid diet for 24 hours before the procedure. 

  • Stopping Certain Medications

The patient may need to stop taking certain medications, such as blood thinners, aspirin, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). 

  • Anesthesia

A patient may be given a sedative before the treatment to relax, depending on the person and the doctor's discretion.

  • Pre-Procedure Lab Tests

Patients may need a lab test or two before the procedure to check their kidney and liver function. 

  • Pre-Procedure Consultation

The patient may need to meet with their doctor to discuss the procedure and answer any questions.


  • Preparation

Before a colonoscopy, you must complete a bowel preparation to clean your colon. This typically involves drinking a special solution and taking laxatives over 1-2 days before the test. 

  • Sedation

The doctor typically administers a sedative to make the procedure more comfortable. The sedative will make you drowsy and relaxed, but you’ll still be awake. 

  • Insertion

The doctor will insert a flexible, lighted tube called a colonoscope into your rectum. The colonoscope has a camera on the end, which allows the doctor to view the inside of your colon. 

  • Exams

During the procedure, the doctor will carefully examine the inside of your colon, looking for any abnormalities. They may also take tissue samples (biopsies) to be tested for cancer. 

  • Removal

Once the exam is complete, the doctor will remove the colonoscope, and the procedure is over. 6. Follow-up: After the procedure, the doctor will discuss the results with you and provide any necessary follow-up care.

Post Procedure

The post-procedure care for a colonoscopy is relatively simple and straightforward:

  • Drink plenty of fluids

After the procedure, it is essential to drink plenty of fluids to help rehydrate the body and flush out any remaining sedatives. 

  • Monitor your bowel movements

If you experience any pain, nausea, bloating, or changes in bowel movements, contact your doctor. 

  • Stay active

It is essential to stay active after the procedure, and this can help reduce any discomfort or pain. 4. Return to normal activities: Most people can return to normal activities within a day or two after the procedure. 

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