ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) is one of the primary stabilisers of your knee joint that connects the femur to the tibia. It gives stability, front-to-back plain, and also rotatory stability. ACL lies in the middle of the knee and prevents the tibia bone from sliding out in front of the thigh bone. ACL injury occurs when there is an ACL tear due to twisting movement, leading to instability of the knee joint.
What are the Causes of ACL Tears?
Twisting movement of the knee joint is one of the common causes of the tear. A blow to the lateral side can also tear the ACL ligaments.
Some other causes of ACL tear that occur during sports and fitness activities are:
Sudden slowing down and changing direction.
Stopping suddenly.
Landing awkwardly from a jump.
Receiving a direct blow to the knee or having a collision, such as a football tackle or accident.
What are the Symptoms of ACL Tears?
In case you have an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear, the following symptoms may appear:
Severe pain
Inability to continue physical activity.
Rapid swelling, and loss of range of motion.
Popping sensation in the knee.
Consult an ortho speciality hospital in Bangalore if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms.
What is the Common Myth Related to ACL Reconstruction Surgery?
One of the common misconceptions about ACL reconstruction is that it is meant only for athletics and not for others. However, doctors have records of treating patients as young as 15 years to 70 years old with ACL tears. When they are operated on, a lot of damage and meniscal tears can be seen, which may lead to arthritis over a period of time. ACL reconstruction surgery is one of the very helpful surgeries to prevent arthritis at a very early stage.
Diagnosis and Treatment of ACL Tears
After seeing grades of symptoms and joint instability, an orthopaedic specialist may suggest you the Lachman and Pivot Shift tests. The doctor may also ask you to go for an MRI scan to confirm an ACL tear, after which ACL reconstruction surgery may be performed if necessary. Sometimes, fixation of the meniscus and other ligaments is also suggested.
The minimally invasive arthroscopic technique is largely used for ACL reconstructions as it translates to lesser pain and early recovery in patients. The orthopaedic surgeon makes small incisions around the knee joint, the arthroscope is inserted into the knee after which a graft is attached to the femur and tibia which becomes the new ACL.
Post-recovery, you can resume your active lifestyle, starting with light exercise to gradually moving to medium-intensity activities. For sportspersons, it may take around 6 months to return to their respective fields.
Pay a visit to a top orthopedician in Bangalore if you have severe joint pain and inflammation because an early visit may prevent further damage and chronic knee pain.
FAQs related to ACL Tears
What are the causes of ACL tears?
The twisting motion of the knee most commonly causes ACL tears. This can happen during sports such as football, basketball, and soccer or during accidents where your knee gets hit.
Can my ACL tear up again after the surgery?
Re-tearing risk for the ACL after surgery is about 10%. However, the risk is lower for people with a good rehabilitation program.
How much time do I have to spend recovering and rehabilitating after ACL surgery?
The recovery time for ACL surgery varies depending on the individual and the type of surgery. However, most people can expect to start work after 4-6 weeks and physically demanding activities after 6-9 months.